GiNaCRA  0.6.4
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
GiNaCRA::tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::breadth_first_queued_iteratorBreadth-first iterator, using a queue
GiNaCRA::CADA collection of methods that lead directly to the computation of the CAD
GiNaCRA::CADSettingsSettings for the CAD class
GiNaCRA::tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::compare_nodes< StrictWeakOrdering >Comparator class for two nodes of a tree (used for sorting and searching)
GiNaCRA::ConstraintA class representing a condition on a Constraint as to whether its sign is negative (GiNaCRA::NEGATIVE_SIGN), positive (GiNaCRA::POSITVIE_SIGN) or zero (GiNaCRA::ZERO_SIGN)
GiNaCRA::CPPUNITSettingsCollection of CPPUNIT related settings
GiNaC::ex_is_less_deggrlexGraded lexicographic ordering on expressions which are terms
GiNaC::ex_is_less_degrevlexLexicographic degree-reverse ordering on expressions which are terms
GiNaC::ex_is_lessdegPrototypal ordering on expressions which are terms
GiNaC::ex_is_under_the_staircaseRelation determining whether the given expression is a monomial under the staircase, which is determined by computing the remainders dividing by the corners of a staircase
GiNaC::expair_is_lesseq< monomialOrdering >Prototypal ordering on pairs of expressions which represent terms
GiNaCRA::tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::fixed_depth_iteratorIterator which traverses only the nodes at a given depth from the root
GiNaCRA::GroebnerClass encapsulating the calculation of Groebner bases
GiNaC::infinitesimal_symbol_structType for infinitesimal values
GiNaCRA::isLessInLiftingPositionsFunctor comparing two positions of a vector of univariate polynomials
GiNaCRA::tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::iterator_baseBase class for iterators, only pointers stored, no traversal logic
GiNaCRA::tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::iterator_base_lessComparator class for iterators (compares pointer values; why doesn't this work automatically?)
GiNaCRA::tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::leaf_iteratorIterator which traverses only the leaves
GiNaCRA::MonomMRCompareA class for comparing MultivariateMonomials according to a given function
GiNaCRA::MultivariateCoefficient< monomialOrdering >A class for a multivariate coefficient providing everything what a GiNaC expression of type power or mul is and, in addition, stores the variables of the monomial (in lexicographic order)
GiNaCRA::MultivariateCoefficientMRClass encapsulating expressions as coefficients of the terms
GiNaCRA::MultivariateMonomial< monomialOrdering >A class for a multivariate monomial providing everything what a GiNaC expression of type power or mul is and, in addition, stores the variables of the monomial (in lexicographic order)
GiNaCRA::MultivariateMonomialMRA class for a multivariate monomial providing a degree-based representation
GiNaCRA::MultivariatePolynomial< monomialOrdering >A class for a multivariate polynomial providing everything what a GiNaC expression of type polynomial is and, in addition, stores the variables of the polynomial (in lexicographic order) as well as the leading term in the variable with the maximal degree
GiNaCRA::MultivariatePolynomialMRA class for a multivariate polynomial providing a degree-based representation
GiNaCRA::MultivariatePolynomialSettingsCollection of MultivariatePolynomial related settings
GiNaCRA::MultivariateTerm< monomialOrdering >A class for a multivariate term providing everything what a GiNaC expression of type power or mul with coefficient is and, in addition, stores the variables of the monomial (in lexicographic order)
GiNaCRA::MultivariateTermMRA class for a multivariate polynomial providing a degree-based representation
GiNaCRA::OpenIntervalA class for an open interval providing interval arithmetic operations
GiNaCRA::PolynomialA class for a polynomial in general serving as an abstract superclass of both multivariate and univariate polynomials
GiNaCRA::tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::post_order_iteratorDepth-first iterator, first accessing the children, then the node itself
GiNaCRA::tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::pre_order_iteratorDepth-first iterator, first accessing the node, then its children
GiNaCRA::RationalUnivariatePolynomialA class for a univariate polynomial providing everything what a GiNaC expression of type polynomial is and in addition, stores the single main variable of the polynomial
GiNaCRA::RealAlgebraicNumberThis class encapsulates several representations of real algebraic numbers and provides crucial operations such as arithmetic, ordering or sign determination on them
GiNaCRA::RealAlgebraicNumberFactoryA class providing useful static methods which produce instances of RealAlgebraicNumberIR
GiNaCRA::RealAlgebraicNumberIRAn implementation of an real algebraic number providing methods to add, multiply or evaluate their sign on polynomials
GiNaCRA::RealAlgebraicNumberNRA real algebraic number exactly represented as a numeric
GiNaCRA::RealAlgebraicNumberPtrHasherHash function for the unordered real-algebraic number pointer set
GiNaCRA::RealAlgebraicNumberSettingsCollection of RealAlgebraicNumber related settings
GiNaCRA::SampleListType for a sorted list of RealAlgebraicNumberPtr
GiNaCRA::tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::sibling_iteratorIterator which traverses only the nodes which are siblings of each other
GiNaCRA::SpecialQuotientRingMultiplicationTable< monomialOrdering >A class providing the multiplication table for the quotient ring modulo a given Groebner basis
GiNaCRA::symbol_is_greatereq_tdegree< monomialOrdering >Total-degree ordering on symbols w.r.t
GiNaCRA::SymbolDBClass encapsulating the global variable and the global parameter list
GiNaCRA::tree< T, tree_node_allocator >
GiNaCRA::tree_node_< T >A node in the tree, combining links to other nodes as well as the actual data
GiNaCRA::UnivariatePolynomialA class for a univariate polynomial providing everything what a GiNaC expression of type polynomial is and in addition, stores the single main variable of the polynomial
GiNaCRA::UnivariatePolynomialSetThis class encapsulates a set of UnivariatePolynomials and its helping methods
GiNaCRA::UnivariatePolynomialSetEqualsComparison function for the unordered univariate polynomial set
GiNaCRA::UnivariatePolynomialSetHasherHash function for the unordered univariate polynomial set
GiNaC::UnivariateRepresentationAn implementation of a multi dimensional real algebraic number providing arithmetic and relational operations
GiNaCRA::VariableListPoolClass saving variable-lists